
How Did John Lewis Become An Activist For Equal Rights

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Although John Lewis had forces like segregation hold him back, there are four turning points such as his first bible, the trip to Buffalo, first arrest, and meeting Martin Luther King for the very first time. From the book March, written by John Lewis, I will show how these situations really made a difference for him to become a public speaker and activist for equal rights. In this essay, I am going to describe how these impacted his life. I will first start with when he was given his first bible. Firstly, John Lewis grew up in a rural area with his parents. They may have been poor financially but I feel they were rich with value. When John was four years old, his uncle gave him a bible for Christmas. Although, he wasn’t able to read it until …show more content…

Anyone facing segregation and discrimination during that era saw MLK as a strong activist. So imagine the excitement John was feeling when he found out that Dr. King wanted to meet him. In his own words (cite Vol. 1 pg. 66), “Gray and Abernathy wrote to tell me that Dr. King wanted to meet me”. As any person fighting for desegregation would, John wanted to work with MLK, and he was finally going to meet him face-to-face. Working towards being a public speaker and activist for African-Americans, meeting Dr. King played a crucial role in solidifying that prospect. On top of that, the generosity of MLK led him offering to raise money in order for him to attend Troy State, a university that had been segregated and did not allow African-Americans to attend. According to Dr. King, (cite Vol. 1 pg. 71) “You must keep in mind, your parents could lose their jobs. Your family home could be bombed or burned.” Even though John turned it down in order to keep his family safe, as they faced dangers if they signed the papers needed for him to try and attend the university, he was influenced by the man and this led to him being a positive public speaker. Next up, is the final major turning point I have chosen that have been influential on the life of John Lewis that led to him being a great public

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