How Did Julius Caesar Rise To Power

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Gaius Julius Caesar was born 12 July 100 BCE from a noble family. His family was one of the most important in Rome. Caesar became an officer in the Roman Army. He was a politician and general of the late Roman empire. Caesar greatly extended the Roman empire but he took all power and made himself dictator of Rome. At the age of sixteen his father died and he became the head of the family. He decided that becoming a priest would be the best option to support his family and he managed to have himself chosen as the new High Priest of Jupiter. To be a priest you had to be patrician stock as well as married to a patrician so Caesar broke off his engagement with a plebeian girl and married a patrician named Cornelia. When a Roman ruler named Sulla declared himself dictator of Rome, he targeted all his enemies including Caesar so he fled out of Rome. He was stripped of his position as …show more content…

The senate started to get worried that he was getting too powerful and feared he would abolish the senate and they would be out of jobs. On March 15, 44 BCE, Caesar was assassinated by the senators. He was stabbed approximately 23 times and died at the base of Pompey’s statue. They made the mistake of not knowing what do after Caesar's death and allowed Marcus Antonius (Caesar’s cousin) to live. He turned the popular opinion against the plotter and allied with Octavian. They both defeated Brutus and Cassius in a battle in 42 BCE. Marcus Antonius allied himself with Cleopatra VIII and Octavian thought they were a threat to Rome. The former allies went to war and Cleopatra and Antony’s forces were beat by Octavian in 31 BCE. They ended up killing themselves later on. Octavian ordered Cleopatra’s son to be murdered as well. Octavian became the first emperor of Rome and he worshipped Caesar. He proclaimed himself a son of god and took the name Augustus Caesar

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