How Did Kennedy Use Anaphoras In Jfk Inaugural Address

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Amidst the cheers and excitement of the spectators the newly elected president placed his hand on the Bible and with conviction articulated the presidential oath of office. Then he situated himself at the podium and, with aplomb, continued on to outline his plan for the nation during his presidency. The presidential inaugural address has been a cornerstone of America’s history since George Washington first delivered one after he was unanimously elected president. The inaugural speech’s central purpose is to address the nation about what issues the President will tackle throughout his presidency. These speeches are always powerful in meaning, and President John Fitzgerald Kennedy’s speech is no different. By gaining credibility and then evoking …show more content…

Kennedy’s first use of anaphora serves to surprise the audience and makes them think about the consequences of humans having “the power to abolish all forms of human poverty and all forms of human life” (“Transcript”). Had Kennedy not stated the latter part of the sentence, people would not have pondered about the perilous world we live in. Kennedy wants the citizens to realize that these “instruments of war” (“Transcript”) are a grave danger to us and that people must fight to eliminate them to protect themselves, their family, and their country—the United States. Furthermore, President Kennedy uses anaphoras to grab the reader’s attention and makes them think about what he is saying and why he is saying it. For example, Kennedy repeats the phrase “Let both sides” (“Transcript”) multiple times in order to emphasize his belief that it is in the best interest of the world to maintain peace. By repeating this phrase Kennedy also underscores the positive outcomes that can result from working together instead of against each other. Kennedy uses anaphoras in his inaugural address when he desires to clearly develop his stance; each repetition of a phrase results in an increase in the strength of his voice and an appeal to pathos (John F. Kennedy Inaugural Address). Through, his appeal to pathos, Kennedy emphasizes that his fight for human rights during his presidency will only be successful if the American people were to meet their