How Did Lee Harvey Oswald Kill Kennedy's Life

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Lee Harvey Oswald killed President Kennedy by himself due to the facts about the bullet trajectory, he had a troubled life that affected him, and he had the experience with guns and the fact that he was a sharp shooter. The bullets that hit Kennedy and John Connally were the same bullet. His life was had a troubled childhood and even attempted suicide. Lee Harvey Oswald was an ex-marine so he had experience with guns and he was a sharp shooter. Although Lee Harvey Oswald had all of this evidence pilled up against him some people believe that the death of Kennedy was conspiracy. It is important to realize the trajectory of the bullet that hit Kennedy and John were aligned. The fact that the bullet trajectory was aligned and bullets entered the two people at close the same time proves that it was one bullet and not two. Supposedly, Connally is obviously unhurt in Zapruder frame 230, but John Kennedy is obviously reacting to being hit at this point. Thus, it is claimed, the same bullet could not have hit both men. But a careful study of the Zapruder film shows that Connally was hit at frame 223. If the Single Bullet Theory is true, then …show more content…

He learned how to shoot in the marines and continuing using guns after he got out. This kept his aim true of his qualification of a marksman shooter. In earning that score, he hit 48 of 50, then 49 of 50, in shots taken at a target 200 yards away. Later, in 1959, he qualified as a "Marksman." Maintaining that level of shooting proficiency generally requires ongoing practice and it is conflicting to determine whether he kept up with shooting a gun. There are conflicting reports as to whether Oswald practiced his shooting in the months prior to the assassination. His wife Marina gave contradictory testimony, first saying she never saw Lee practice, then later saying that he would sometimes come home and tell her he had been at the rifle range

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