How Did Lenin Contribute To The Russian Revolution

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A very influential and wise man, who led the revolution in Russia named, Vladimir Ilyich Lenin was also the main driving behind all of it.. He initially got his ideas from Karl Marx which he applied to the people and workers to rebel. Old Major also represented Lenin in a novel named Animal Farm. Even during his early life, he worked with school politics and also some government politics. Even before the revolution, Lenin’s education regulated his political life. DISCovering Biography stated “ Lenin was born in 1870 and died in 1924. “He was married to Nadezhda Krupskaya and they didn’t have any children” (Vladimir 2). He didn’t have any kids because he wanted to focus on politics. Also, in 1917, he went back to Russia from Switzerland and …show more content…

However, Lenin is arguably the highest of importance when it comes to the Russian revolution.When Lenin won power in the year 1917, it Infotrac Newsstand stated that the Russian revolution was different other countries’ rebellions (Russian 1). Author William G. Rosenberg claims that Lenin won power because he broke down his enemies and made them think that they were going to fail (Rosenberg 2). His tactic to break his enemies down worked very well and that’s why he ended up winning the country over. Alexander Cockburn used a quote from Vladimir Lenin in his article In the Steps of Vladimir which said “For the first time in history of civilized society, the mass of the population will rise to take an independent part, not only in voting and elections, but also in the everyday administration of the state” (Cockburn 1). Even though Lenin wasn’t around long after the revolution, he played one of the biggest roles in the revolution because he got the people to fight back against the government. Lenin and many other people of the Russian revolution represent characters in Animal Farm because they were very important to the success of the