How Did Malcolm X Educate Himself

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What motivated Malcolm X to educate himself was his own frustrations with not being able to write letters while he was in prison. Bimbi who could read made him want to actually want to read and actually understand what he could read also motivated him to want to educate himself. Malcolm X learned because of learning how to read want to learn about his self, his history. He was then curious about the history of the black man, “I took special pains to hunt in the library for books that would inform me on details about black history (3).” Once he learned of himself then I think he could begin to truly learn. Learning his history was essential to him learning everything and anything else. Malcolm X believed that knowledge he gained from reading changed the course of his life. …show more content…

It did not just set him free, but it allowed him to live. It also allowed him to help educate others. Knowing the self in many ways was something Malcolm X didn’t know until after he started reading. It was because he was educating himself that he learned of himself. Caring for the self, happened after he found who he was because of his education and finding of who he was. I don’t really think there is much of a difference between them. For Malcolm they became mixed because I think that he didn’t know who he was before he became educated and after he was educated he discovered who he was, but education then led to the caring of the self because before he had no reason to care. So in this situation it is no