How Did Martin Luther Contribute To The Protestant Reformation Dbq

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According to, “The Protestant Reformation was the 16th-century religious, political, intellectual and cultural upheaval that splintered Catholic Europe, setting in place the structures and beliefs that would define the continent in the modern era.” The Protestant Reformation began as a movement devoted to returning to ancient sources. According to the textbook, “ This religious movement initiated by sixteenth-century, Martin Luther, who openly criticized the corruption in the Catholic Church and voiced his belief that Christians could speak directly to God. Martin Luther was a Monk and a professor of theology. He questioned the pope and other religious people in his order for doing what he did not feel was acceptable. Some of these …show more content…

Martin Luther and his followers seized the right to read and interpret the bible in a new way, that paid the way for Reformation. Martin Luther challenged the church. He criticized the churches ideas and practices. He sought no revolution, but he tried to persuade church leaders to make reforms. Luther believed that gods free gift of forgiveness did not depend on taking sacriments or performing good deeds. He believed that christians did not need specially appointed mediators to speak to god for them. In a widely circulated pamphlet called, ON THE FREEDOM OF THE CHRISTIAN MAN, he upgraded the Roman Church. Luther also translated the new testament from latin into german so that laypersons could have direct access without the lergey, to the word of god. The quakers believed in the bible as perfect without error, they reflect most of the Protestant evangelical churches. They also believed that there is a heaven and hell up to their own interpretation. This is even this way today. The Quakers differ that they see mankind as basically good and that even those who are not saved are the children of God. The Quakers lived by a golden