How Did Martin Luther Conversion

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I want to suggest that the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther addressed conversion directly in the Book of Concord with his Theology of the Cross. It was taken even further by Phillip Jakob Spenser (1635-1705) and August Hermann Francke (1663-1727), Lutheran Pastors, pietists and faithful disciples who expanded Luther’s theology. This gave birth to the German Lutheran Pietism movement. Luther in the Book of Concord addresses conversion in several ways, as he speaks about that which causes conversion and those things that are repudiated and rejects it as a part of “true” conversion. This researcher will not be able to fully address all of these matters about conversion in this qualifying examination; however, I will summarize the main points. Luther makes a concerted effort to bring consensus, common agreement among the theologians putting forth an effort to find …show more content…

Meaning, that each and every member of the Body of Christ is a minister in his or her own right. So it is no wonder that he develop a systematic way to make sure and very sure that the faith was passed on to everyone, call the Catechism. The Small and Large Catechism were designed as manuals created by the reformers Rev. Dr. Martin Lutheran and Rev. Dr. Philip Melanchthon for catechizing (teaching/disciplining) those preparing to be baptized and confirmed. Moreover, this was created for their parents who were charged with passing on the faith, as well as other adults. This was to be used as a summary of religious doctrines often in the form of questions and answers. It is still used today in many churches, to assist the young, mature and in between to learn and grasp the basics of the faith, namely the Creed, the Lord’s Prayer and the Ten Commandments. The Word, and Sacraments also weekly nurture