Martin Luther was born in 1483 in a small town in Germany. His birth was perfectly timed by God to accomplish a revolution within the spiritual and political world that would affect the future of all generations and all of the western world. Converging in his lifetime were a cultural preoccupation with life after death, the rise of nationalism across Europe, the invention of the printing press, and years of gross corruption within the Catholic Church. These all combined to create a moment in history ripe for a leader to step in and take a stand. Luther’s childhood was an unhappy one. His parents were harsh and his teachers were cruel. Still, young Luther sought to please the authorities in his life. He was not, by nature, rebellious. He earnestly attempted to be an obedient son, and later a monk, priest, and child of …show more content…
As this publication spread, ordinary citizens, scholars, even some priests, and monks agreed and showed support for Luther. Pope Leo’s response was, of course, to declare Martin Luther a heretic and excommunicate him, which should have meant a death sentence. However, by God’s design, Luther had a powerful protector named Fredrick the Wise. Frederick was the prince of Saxony and the founder of Wittenberg University. He intervened when the devout Catholic Emperor of Rome, Charles V personally expressed his concerns about Luther. Frederick requested Luther be given the opportunity to argue his case to the Emperor and it was agreed that Luther would appear before the Diet of Worms in April of 1521. It was here Luther would take his stand. There are different versions of his words but tradition states, when asked to recant, Luther said, “Here I stand. I can do no other. God help me. Amen” This would be Luther’s fifth turning point, his second major rebellious act, and is referred to by some scholars as the pinnacle of his