How Did Martin Luther King Impact History

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Martin Luther King Jr.
Martin Luther King Jr. once said, “Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere” (Winters). King was determined to make unfair laws, that gave a group of people a disadvantage, change. He was willing to give his life for the rights of African-Americans and other minorities, so he devoted his life to the civil rights movement. Martin Luther King Jr. made a positive impact on history through the protests he led, such as the Selma march, Birmingham protests and the March on Washington.
The Selma to Montgomery march made a positive impact on history by making the nation more aware of the civil rights movement. The Selma to Montgomery march was a protest led by King for the right to vote for African-Americans (King …show more content…

The protests consisted mostly of teenagers and young adults wanting to make a change and be a part of the civil rights movement (Winters). Clergy disapproved of the protests that King led in Birmingham, even though they were peaceful (Winters). May 7 was the last day of protests in Birmingham, thousands of people gathered at the Baptist Church, almost 1,000 people were arrested for being a part of the disapproved protest, including Martin Luther King Jr. (Winters). The May 7th protests brought change to the everyday life of African-Americans for the better. After the protests on May 7, leaders decided to start debates for reforms to the segregation laws (Winters). “On May 10, four weeks after King’s good Friday arrest, the settlement was announced. The fitting rooms at stores would be integrated by May 13. A biracial committee to discuss desegregation of schools, reopening parks and hiring black city employees would be appointed within 15 days. All public restrooms and water fountains would be integrated within 15 days. Lunch counters would be integrated, and blacks would be hired as sales clerks within 60 days” (Winters). The Birmingham protests made a huge impact on history by changing major segregation laws in the …show more content…

led the March on Washington which showed the country that whites and blacks could be side by side with no judgement. The March on Washington was one of the biggest human rights demonstration with around 250,000 people, including whites, at the Lincoln Memorial (March on Washington, 1963). The march’s purpose was to show the need for job and school segregation to be brought to an end (March on Washington, 1963). King delivered his “I Have a Dream” speech which became one of the most famous speeches in history (March on Washington, 1963). His speech explained his dream for segregation to end and that people would be able to have the same rights regardless of skin color (March on Washington, 1963). The speech changed many people’s minds about segregation; that it needed to come to an end. This march gave “the nation an image of blacks and whites together, giving much-needed hope to a nation that had seen too much racial strife in the past” (March on Washington, 1963). The March on Washington made a positive impact on history by raising awareness for the civil rights movement and showing the country there is no need to treat people differently because of the color of their skin.
The civil rights movement brought significant change to society for the better. The Selma march, Birmingham protests and the March on Washington led by Martin Luther King Jr. made a positive impact on history. Martin Luther King Jr. played an important part in America’s history by