
How Did Martin Luther King Sacrifice For The Civil Rights Activist?

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Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was a civil rights activist. He would often speak out about unjust issues. Dr. King would inspire people through his speeches and actions against segregation. He was known by everyone and has gone down in history as one of the greatest activists of all time. His words brought hope to the African American community. He would urge people to protest against segregation but to never resort to violence. Sadly, due to Dr. King’s impact on segregation, he would be shot and killed. Though Dr. King was laid to rest, the hope he gave people did not. With his passing people started to protest even more for civil rights for every American citizen. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr made enormous sacrifices that inspired many, causing …show more content…

King made a major sacrifice for the civil rights movement, he sacrificed his freedom. While King was in Birmingham jail he heard about some men who were criticizing him for urging people to protest. The men said that this wasn’t the time for a civil rights movement, “unwise and untimely” the men were quoted. Dr. King used this to write a response and justify his actions. He responded in a letter that stated how he was just fighting for justice and was willing to make life-altering sacrifices. Dr. King brought up a point in his letter “injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.” He was reasoning with the clergy, there will never be a right time because there will never be a time when everyone agrees. King was not intending to tell the men they were wrong simply just to make them see from his view. He was telling the men what his intentions were and what he was risking. King was willing to speak up and take action against segregation, even after knowing the consequences. Dr. King would rather lose everything fighting for what he believes in than to do nothing. Losing one’s freedom for civil rights is a sacrifice most would not take. And Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. made that …show more content…

The jury convicted a man of color guilty though there was more evidence supporting him as innocent. This book gives one example of what people of color faced while fighting for civil rights. In the book, a little boy named Jem has a conversation with his father about how he feels the jury was unfair to convict the man. His father states “as you grow older, you’ll see white men cheat black men every day of your life, but let me tell you something and don’t you forget it—whenever a white man does that to a black man, no matter who he is, how rich he is, or how fine a family he come from, that white man is trash”(Atticus pg 295). Atticus teaches Jem about not treating people differently because of the color of their skin. While "To Kill a Mockingbird” is a good example of racial injustice from a white person’s perspective, the poem “Incident” by Natasha Trethewey show’s what people of color faced from a black person’s perspective. The poem describes a cross burning, an act usually used to show white supremacy. The poem repeats certain phrases so the reader knows the importance of each detail, “we tell the story every year.” This phrase from the poem makes the reader aware of how much racism sticks, every act against people of color will be remembered forever, and will be remembered by those who

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