How Did Martin Luther Manipulate Religion?

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Manipulated Religion:
Words of Martin Luther Twisted
It can arguably be said that no religion has undergone more changes since its inception than that of Christianity. At its beginning, there was Catholicism and Catholicism and Christianity were one in the same. This was the case until a very revolutionary man came around. This revolutionary man was Martin Luther. Martin Luther believed, like all Christians, that Jesus Christ lived and died for all of our sins, and that the way of salvation is through belief and repentance, but he felt that the Bible should be interpreted in a very different way, and that the current Catholic Church had poisoned the word of God with their display of religion. This difference in opinion sparked a revolution within Christianity, and Protestantism was born. While this was …show more content…

This is why it is even more difficult to think that Martin Luther would endorse an usurp against any people, wealthy or poor, as this is going directly against God’s word, and will not grant any sort of peace, just cause more pain and suffering.
In conclusion, Martin Luther did great things for Christianity, as he expanded upon narrow-minded thinking, and allowed for a plethora of denominations to grow and flourish, however, he did not encourage the murdering and ransacking of nobles. His words were set to change the way Christianity views even itself, preaching self-empowerment and assuring the poor that they had just as much of a right to God’s grace as everyone else. Unfortunately, as with all religion, words were twisted and perverted, allowing those who were using them, to use them for their own personal gain, advantage, and