How Did Mary Wollstonecraft Contribute To A Vindication Of The Rights Of Women

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Marry Wollstonecraft a woman born in 1759 in London, United Kingdom. Mary had grown up in a time where men and women were very unequal especially when it came to education. Throughout Mary’s adult life she worked as a teacher and as a governes, these had intergrated her more into the world of education and in her beliefs regarding it. Mary was very radical when it came to her beliefs during her time; she was a philosopher who focused on moral and political issues especially ones regarding womens’ education. Mary Wollstonecraft had spread her ideas regarding this using writing her most famous was published in 1792 and was called A Vindication of the Rights of Women this piece of literature talked about the belief that mean and women should have equal education, and many similar ideas about the oppression of women inteluctually. All of this had …show more content…

For one salons and enlightened thinkers were groups that were heavily male dominated yet Mary had spread her ideas and opinions in these groups regardless. Bringing a new radical perspective when it came to ideas that were talked about. She had many writings and while they were not oftenwell received because of their radical view they had spread. This can be seen As previously mentioned her most famous was A Vindication of the Rights of Women (1792) this had stirred up peoples opinions because this was one of the first writings adovactiong that women were not naturally lesser than men, and that it was the governemnt and educations fault that it was believed otherwise. This is still so impactful that some refer to it as, “...the foundation of modern women’s rights movements in the Western world.”3 Overall when it came to enlightened thinking while Mary Wollstonecraft was not often viewed in a positive light she had changed how people viewed women and their intelligence with her actions and arguments in that society from that point