How Did Motocross Start

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Have you ever wondered why and how motocross started? Motocross started with people racing their bikes around bashing into each other trying to get the fastest time on flat ground in 1924 in the British off-road scramble. People all around the world have helped to improve the safety and technology from a lot of minds collaborating together to bring different ideas to this sport. Britain was a huge help for the improvement for the new aged motocross. They didn't think that riders should be racing alone so they allowed riders to make teams so the rider did notn't feel so stressed. People loved it so much that they hosted races regularly. However, the tracks kept getting worn down in almost the same spot so they improved the tracks one …show more content…

Over the years this sport would evolve largely through the efforts of Europe who shortened the tracks while adding laps. To make the sport more formidableharder, Europe also added obstacles such as like jumps and whoops. A couple reasons why they did this was because the riders were out riding the difficulty of the tracks. Also, they thought that with changing the tracks it would attract more fans, wherefore more. More fans just means more money right? Eventually, the tracks became extremely troublesomereally hard to ride. The bikes were stiff and uncomfortable so shocks were invented. For the suspension to work even better a swing arm was invented so the suspension moved up and down giving more travel for the suspension makingso it made it a lot easier. Once the suspension was put on the bike the frame would not be called rigid anymore because a rigid frame is a bike that has no shocks. With the new and improved suspension the bike would be much more comfortable flying over jumps and …show more content…

Families spent their weekends at their local tracks racing for first place. Motorcross was introduced on January 1, 1966 and it was a huge hit. On January 1, 1972 was when stadium events began. Americans could notn't get enough of motorcycles so they invented different forms of riding. There's supercross which is inside big stadiums where a whole bunch of people race with a hefty sized crowd. Also, freestyle is a thing,. fFree style is when crazy people hit big jumps with cool tricks trying to gain as much points as

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