How Did North Korean War Changed North America In The 1950s

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“The most important thing in our war preparations is to teach all our people to hate U.S. imperialism. Otherwise, we will not be able to defeat the U.S. imperialists who boast of their technological superiority.” (Kim Il Sung) The quote above was said by the 1950’s North Korean leader, Kim II Sung. North Korea’s problems with the United States of America did not just start in the 2000’s. In the first half of the 20th century before the Korean war, Japan controlled the Korean peninsula. That dramatically changed in the year 1945 at the end of WWII (Park 2013). A few years later, the Korean War from 1950 to 1953 changed North Korea’s history even more, along with their economic status. The build up to the war was almost as important as