How Did Odysseus Continue His Journey

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Odysseus’s Never Lasting Journey
1- Troy- Troy was a city in ancient Europe, where the Spartans and Trojans had gone to war for ten years. During the war the Trojans had built a huge wooden horse which they hid in and that got them to end up inside the city, causing them to win the war.

2- Cicones- Odysseus and his men had gone to the Land of the Cicones and there, they killed many of the men, took their wives, and stole their wine, money and sheep. As Odysseus had ordered his men to return to their ships some did not listen and, therefore when the Cicones had escaped and brought their brother with troops and chariots to fight off the Greeks, they killed seventy men.

3- Lotus Eaters- Zeus’s storm steers Odysseus’s ship to the Land of the …show more content…

Despite the danger, their hunger takes over and they decide to go on and inspect the land. They end up in a one-eyed giant’s cave called Prometheus. Prometheus then blocked his cave with a huge boulder and as he had asked Odysseus for his name Odysseus had said it was Nobody. This way when Odysseus would try to injure the Cyclops he would scream, “Nobody is hurting me”, and the other Cyclops would not come for help. Odysseus and his men escaped by stabbing the Prometheus in his eye, which causes Poseidon, being the Cyclops’s dad, to keep him off track from sailing …show more content…

Odysseus agreed only if they had promised not to touch any of the cattle. His crew swore not to, however the next month they were unable to leave because of the winds. Odysseus had gone to pray for a safe return back to Ithaca, but as he returned he saw that some of his men had slaughtered and eaten some of the cattle due to their starvation. They had set sail again, but Helios was extremely mad for his missing cattle and prayed to Zeus to curse them and send a thunderbolt on their ship. Zeus doing so caused Odysseus’s entire crew to die except himself causing him to end up with