
The Effects Pf Paternalism Among Whites And Blacks By Philip D.

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In the article “ The Effects pf Paternalism Among Whites and Blacks”, by Philip D. Morgan, explains the relationship between black slaves with dominated white and plain white folk in the time before the Civil War. The passage interestingly repels my first impression of hardness and brutality about American slavery. It turns out the black in that time did had a profound influence among their surrounding, which was both physically and mentally. The bond between black and their master was much tighter by Morgan`s explanation due to the form of paternalism and patriarchalism. And, more importantly, such a form of slavery started to torn the friendship between black and normal white folk apart, by Morgan `s perspective in this passage. As my idea toward the question, I agree with Morgan`s idea of dividing rift, but I have different idea regard to the speed of enlargement of the gap. Since, black slaves was protected by law as personal chattel not by human right, the rift would become larger once the law is developed to protect the poor white rights or benefit them. In the article, Morgan mention that white master …show more content…

It is a normal phenomenon that the capitalists hire labors that is more effective at working while the cost is considerably low, in which the black slaves were coming handy. Also, a faithful slave under the doctrine of patriarchalism proved to be better cog in the bigger machine, comparing to normal folk who always want more money to support their own life. Since there was no organization as working union, the job and the bonus of welfare would be easily taken by white master to rearrange for the slaves. In the article, it mentions the trustworthy black slaves can even take command of ships (Morgan). It would be a hard time for white sailors to accept command for black slavers who even cannot vote for

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