How Did President Woodrow Wilson's Fourteen Points

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The year 1914 marked the start of the first World War. Civil unrest had broken out in Europe, and the effects of the war were beginning to spread. Before long, the United States had to choose a stance on their involvement. After President Woodrow Wilson’s reelection in 1916, the burden of this task fell to him. President WIlson had already expressed his apprehensiveness towards entering the war in 1914, and remained strongly for American neutrality. However, circumstances were not the same in later years as American and foreign tensions continued to rise. Once the United States joined the war in 1917, Wilson drafted his Fourteen Points. The statement included propositions on ending the war through American involvement. While pleasant in theory, President Woodrow Wilson’s Fourteen Points were idealistic an unfeasible, and would have little chance in today’s world. The main focus of Wilson’s Fourteen Points was peace and order among the nations. The statement included an outlined plan for all areas involved. The Fourteen Points listed ideas for restoration of territory in places such as France, Russia, Belgium, and Serbia. He also spoke of agreements between nations on matters including trade and sea …show more content…

For this proposal to work today, it would need serious revisions including more compromised and detailed plans for restorations of peace. The problem with the document is the fact the Fourteen Points came solely from the United States, and had no input from the other nations that had been involved. World War I was not a domestic affair left to the duty of one country, and should not have been treated as such, Due to the difference in viewpoints between the allies, there is no way the plan could have succeeded. A document akin to this one would also not survive in today’s world without serious amendment through communication and compromise between