To What Extent Did Elizabeth I Tackle The Problems Of Her Reign

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How successfully did Elizabeth I tackle the problems of her reign?

Queen Elizabeth the first, daughter of King Viii and Anne Boleyn, reigned from 1558 to 1603. She faced many problems during this period of time, solving them efficiently and successfully. She survived imprisonment during her half sister’s reign just to become one of the best queens of all time. Even though she was the reason the Tudor monarch to end, she was also the reason for many of the beneficial things that England had.

To rule successfully in a world of men, Elizabeth had to have a good image. She needed her people to believe that she was capable of doing well and would rule as well as any king could or better so she had artists paint portraits of her. The portraits …show more content…

She fled to England hoping that Elizabeth would help her just to be kept a prisoner for the final years of her life, moving from prison to prison until her execution which Elizabeth was reluctant to sign. Mary of Scots was Elizabeth’s cousin and she was one of Elizabeth’s biggest threat. As a Catholic, she was a potential leader for all of the Catholics still in the country. Since she was descended from Margaret Tudor who was King Henry VIII’s sister, this made her the closest legal heir and as many Catholics believed, King Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn’s marriage was illegal which meant Elizabeth would be illegitimate and she should not be on the throne. Elizabeth had treated Mary fairly and refused to execute her no matter how big of a threat she posed to England, 18 years later, evidence was found of Mary plotting against Elizabeth so she signed her cousin’s death warrant and that was the end of Mary’s life. This meant that Elizabeth had no more competition for the throne besides Mary’s son James I who was brought up as a protestant unlike his