How Did Religion Influence Early American Culture

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America at the time of the revolution had very religious culture with the church at the heart of it. During this time it was famous for ‘fire and brimstone’ messages. This heavily Christian society helped shape what we know the United States as today socially, politically, religiously, economically and in industry. Many religious people such as Jonathan Edwards, Oliver Cromwell, and many others were very influential in what we know as America today. Socially in America the Puritans and Jesuits had a very large influence on American culture. These two cultures in early American were very prominent as they were very strict in fallowing their faith making Church and God the center of their lives. The puritans were well known for their ‘fire and brimstone’ sermons and their Calvinism/predestination views. In which they worked very hard earn ‘God’s Grace’ which would grant them eternity in heaven. These views incorporated largely in the Constitution and the secularist views in early American government. Politically, Charles I and Oliver Cromwell were very influential in politics and their faith. British Reformation was a large political issue brought before Charles I many times. His main goal was to move the English church away from …show more content…

Along with this hard working trait it made a very close-knit group and strict church setting. In which they had multi hour sermons in hot churches where the men sat in the front women and children in the back, all separated. This type of setting was home to one of the most famous puritan sermons, Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God, in which he warns of hell hoping to scare people back to the church. This very strict religious culture also helped ad to its incorporation in the United States government as people were very close to their

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