How Did Religion Influence The Aztec Culture

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For centuries, the Aztecs have been categorized for their unique customs to celebrate religion. For Aztecs, religion was an extremely important aspect in life. These people worshiped various gods and goddesses whom represented characteristics of nature or human activities. Because their civilization was based heavily on farming, Aztecs worshipped many agricultural gods. This culture like multiple other Mesoamerican religions practiced human sacrifice in their religious rituals. Aztec religion was unique in multiple ways, their culture adapted to others beliefs, and they celebrated their Gods by recreating mythological events and sacrificing their own people. Aztec culture differed from others because they were willing to adapt to other religions or peoples religious practices. The sun, moon, and planet Venus were also important to their religion; this was because each represented a different symbol and religious meaning. The different planets were connected to geographical places and Gods. Some of the most important Gods for the Aztecs were Tlaloc, the God of rain, Quetzalcoatl the hero of the culture and God of civilization and order, Huitzilopochtli the leading god of the Mexica tribe, and Tezcatlipoca the god of fortune and destiny. These gods played a crucial role …show more content…

Most of which were created to venerate their Gods and make them happy. A great part of human sacrifice was due to the Aztecs idea of keeping their gods happy and stopping natural disasters. Their idea was that whenever the crops stopped growing, there was a volcanic eruption, or a drought it was due to the Gods unhappiness with the civilians. They thought that by sacrificing a person they would make the Gods happy. One crucial thing about this was that the person that was going to be sacrificed had to be special. That person was to be good looking, talented and smart in order to fill up the requirements and please the