How Did Rome Influence America

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The Influential Roman Empire
As historians look back on the mighty Greek and Roman Empires, they can reflect on the great organization of these civilizations. The precise organization of these empires has contributed greatly to the development of many nations, mainly modern day America. Although Greece contributed many beneficial ideas and techniques to modern day America, Rome was more influential through trade networks, its democratic government, and its noticeable cultural achievements.
America’s ways of trading are based on some techniques used by the Greeks, but are more notably influenced by the Romans. To begin, Greece was forced to trade because of their lack of resources. Today, America trades with many countries worldwide to acquire …show more content…

To continue, the Mediterranean was controlled completely by Rome, and they could easily use this impeccable water source for quicker travel by boat and more efficient trade. The Mediterranean sped up the process of trade and advanced Rome quickly (11). This is similar to how the US stretches from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean making America a prime trader with countries from west to east. Both the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans help to advance the US and greater develop trading networks. The Roman trade network relied severely on the Mediterranean, and without it, Rome’s economy would have suffered hugely. Rome’s dominance of the Mediterranean lead to efficient and highly beneficial trade amongst Romans and surrounding countries. Finally, the Romans had one designated money system in which their entire empire used. The Roman coin represents intelligence, organization, unity, and the importance trade obtained in the Roman empire. The Romans traded with coins and all came together under one …show more content…

First, Pericles strongly promoted the benefits of an organized democracy at a funeral orientation for fallen Roman soldiers. He cried, “While every citizen has an equal opportunity to serve the public, we rewarded our most distinguished citizens by asking them to make our political decisions” (2). This encouraged citizens to work hard. They elected people to office similarly to how Americans elect people for office today. The Greek democracy heavily impacted the modern day American democracy because every citizen has an equal opportunity to serve the public and make important political decisions. According to the Roman Constitution, having an organized view and set of laws is beneficial to a nation. The Roman Constitution provided goals for Romans and set laws that proved beneficial to Rome (1). Today, America has their own constitution that loosely illustrates some of the principles demonstrated in the Roman Constitution. The US sets goals as a nation and strives to reach them. The Roman coin represents intelligence and proves that the Romans of 137 BC had created a valid number system and understood arithmetic. Also pictured on the coin, is a glorified figure who is proudly placing a voting ballot into a box. Romans elected government officials and acquired a direct democracy where all