How Did Rome Influence The Development Of Western Civilization

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From its founding in 753 B.C.E. to the fall of the Western Roman Empire in 476 C.E., Rome’s significance throughout Western civilization is highlighted by its establishment of foundational concepts in governance, law, philosophy, politics, and other intellectual achievements. Its role in the spread of cultural integration across a vast empire created a legacy of religious and cultural influence that endures to this day. Ancient Rome's significance to world history lies in its lasting impact on the efforts and influence across the globe which have shaped the development of modern-day Europe. The ancient Romans played a vital role in shaping legal systems, developing law in many different cultures and societies around Europe, and even parts of …show more content…

The rights established in the Twelve Tables inspired parts of our modern system, for instance, the Bill of Rights. The value placed on equality and the rule of law can be traced back to the efforts made by the Romans to make this a public legal system. In addition, the Romans invented the judicial concept of presumption of innocence. The origin of this practice dates back to Roman law, where a prosecutor must find the convicted defendant innocent until proven guilty. The presumption of innocence is a fundamental principle for all citizens and is part of a fair trial. This concept evolved through many advances throughout different governments across the globe. Rome shaped legal systems for world history by creating a structured and adaptable legal framework that introduced principles of justice, rights, and law. Conclusively, Rome’s inventions, architectural innovations, engineering feats, and infrastructure developments are significant contributions to not only the ancient world but also laid the foundation for many aspects of modern society. Romans perfected the implementation of concrete in their

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