How Did Shi Huangdi Contribute To The Unification Of China

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4. On the Unique, Political, Historical and Economic History of China 4. A. Unification is important during the development of the earliest dynasty in China because it would help China to develop and improve. Develop in a way that there would be control and power over the citizens thus enhancing the ruling of centralized power. The unification of China would also improve the communication between different ethnic minorities resulting to a national integration progress. Also, the aim of unification is to expand the territory and improve geographically such as achieving agriculture developments like irrigation and farming. 4. B. When China was still in chaos and unification cannot be seen, the country was made up of states fighting each other …show more content…

D. According to the BBC documentary about China, the first one who achieved uniting the China was Ying Zheng or commonly known as Shi Huangdi. He was 13 years old when he assumed the throne as the new emperor. When he was 22 years old, he discovered the plan of his own mother to have him killed. So he banished her and ordered to kill his stepbrothers and his mother’s lover. After that he continued his quest of unifying China which he was successful in the end. Shi Huangdi’s obsession over architecture drive him to order the making of two of the greatest architectural pieces in China and the world, the Great wall of China and the man made mountain which has the magnificent tomb underneath it. Next emperor who attempted to unify China and succeeded is Liu Bang. He was a former soldier and politician who knew how to win the hearts of the people. Over the next years, he consolidated his rule and rallied the people behind him which gave way to the rise of Han dynasty. The Han embarked on a more massive building of the wall even greater than Shi Huangdi. They extended the wall much farther to the west and built their fortresses. After Liu Bang’s Han dynasty ended, China was once more in chaos. Then came the northern people, the Sui, conquering the empires one after another. The Sui Empire was reined by Yang Di, who during his term, focused on strengthening his empire within its borders. China was divided by the Yangtze and the Yellow river. Yang Di aimed to link northern and southern China through a Grand Canal. To build this canal requires one million man days of work. Many workers died because of horrendous work and over fatigued. To achieve unification, these emperors sacrificed their own people’s health and even the natural

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