How Did Sir Henry Parke's Push For Federation

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Sir Henry Parkes Push for Federation

Sir Henry Parkes was one of the first influential Australian’s to push for federation. While federation was discussed, it wasn’t until Henry Parkes’ famous speech until a draft constitution was planned.

A major motivation for Parkes’ push for federation was his belief that a united Australia would make trade both easier and cheaper. As goods were transported between colonies, tariffs (taxes) were paid at border crossings adding to the cost cost for both consumers and producers. As the leader of the Free Trade Party, Parkes believed that abolishing trade tariffs would create greater prosperity for all. Parkes had already eliminated many of New South Wales’ customs taxes during his first term as premier (1872-1875), though he still felt that trade taxes in other states should be abolished. In the effectuation of federation, national standards for trade tariffs could be enforced. …show more content…

Interest in the South Pacific had been made clear from French, Germany and Russia, many doubted the ability of Britain to defend Australia in the case of such an attack. Prior to Federation, each Australian colony maintained a small military, this was an inefficient use of resources and soldiers. Federation sought to create one powerful Australian defence force, where resources could be pooled and the otherwise insignificant militaries could become one mighty force. Sir Henry Parkes stated “it will be absolutely necessary for us to have a central authority, which could bring all the forces of the different colonies into one army” in his famous federation speech.While some people believed a united army could be achieved without federation, Parkes was strongly of the view that it could only take one national governing body to achieve a strong defence