How Did Slavery Impact Colonial America

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During the colonial times in North America, many new concepts developed including slavery. There were many ways slaves benefited the colonies, culture, economy, and society as a whole. Another way slavery impacted North America through to the Civil War was shown through the Constitution's amendments. Lastly the roles of slavery, and the freedoms they had made a very contrasting relationship between freedom and slavery. Throughout the Colonial period till the Civil War slavery has had a great effect on America because it affected everyday life through many different systematic approaches. In the early 16th century the slave trade started and ended by the end of the 19th century. The Triangular Slave Trade started after the Treaty of Utrecht was signed in 1713 and acted upon by the British who had taken over the Spanish territories; leading to the trading of “goods, such as guns and brandy, to Africa to exchange for slaves” (“The Triangular Slave Trade” 2). The roles of slavery in the colonial economy included aiding in the tobacco production, “helped build the economic foundations of the new nation”, and to become essentially free labor (Slavery in America). Additionally, slaves in the south had many roles that included but was not limited to …show more content…

First slavery impacted the North’s society and culture by the citizens wanting to fight for African Americans rights, an example of this is the Dred Scott Vs. Sanford. Next, another way slavery impacted the north was by the citizens not using the slaves in agricultural jobs, but instead educated them and gave them jobs in business settings. Nevertheless, slavery made its way into the constitution through the thirteenth, fourteenth, and fifteenth amendments. These amendments impacted the future America by how we all live today and how much the country has come since the original thirteen