How Did Sylvia Plath Two Views Of A Diver Room

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Written Commentary on Two Views Of A Cadaver Room Two Views Of A Cadaver Room, Sylvia Plath’s poems from her collection Colossus. Written in 1960 this poem shows two very evident points throughout the poem. The poem has two contrasting views of love. Death plays a part in distinguishing the extremities of the types of love. We believe the poem was written when Plath was with Ted Hughes, therefore we assume that their experience had an impact on her writing and this poem. Sylvia Plath makes a connection to Brueghel’s painting Triumph of death showing a more messy and chaotic setting. The poem starts with an indefinite article showing the importance of the events and additionally written in third person showing a relevance to real life events. Part one of the poem shows a very realistic and blunt love. Showing clear connections to the medical students as “boys”. She …show more content…

This part also shows the perfection in the world of art with the regular rhyme scheme. The second part is much softer on the tongue to say highlighting this difference in the types of love. As Brueghel’s painting is of war we see a couple in the corner […] death to the fiddle in the hands…. possibly showing the danger of their obviousness of their love. “Shadowing their song” casting shadows on their love, whilst being moments away from death they continue to show no care for what happens around. As they might be totally engrossed in each other we get a sense this may not be for long when Plath states […] These Flemish lovers flourish; not for long. This could be casting a shadow on they happiness. The caesura pause creates a change in tone and even in idea of what is happening. this could act as a warning of what is to come. we feel as though some how towards the end of the poem Plath tries to connect the couple in the painting to her own life. […] Foolish, delicate, in the lower right hand

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