How Did The American Dream Come True In The Great Gatsby

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America delights itself in being a country where economic versatility is possible and everyone has a similar opportunity for success. We have also been sought at as a country of opportunity for those who come seeking a good life and a place to work for it. But today, most believe dreams do not come true like they once could. states, "Six out of 10 Americans believe the American dream is dead… yet only 4 out of 10 Americans believe the American dream is not dead" (CBS news 1). With numerous believing their possibilities are limited, how likely is it to fulfill your dreams in the land of the free? An example of the likelihood of one's dreams to come true in America can be seen in the novel The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald. This book considers many different topics such as citizen’s visions for America during the early 1920’s. In the story, a character named Jay Gatsby, a youthful ambitious man shows how possible it is to make your dreams come true. Growing up, his parents were poor farmers. In his early teens he flees home to join the army and after retiring he attains many medals for bravery. For example in the book Gatsby discusses his medal with a character, “He reached in his pocket and a piece of metal, slung on a ribbon, fell into my palm. ’That's the one from Montenegro.’ To my …show more content…

Orderi di Danilo, ran the circular legend, Montenegro, Nicolas Rex. ’Turn it.’ ‘Major Jay Gatsby’, I read, ‘For Valour Extraordinary”’ (Fitzgerald 4). Soon after, Gatsby

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