How Did The Black Death Affect European Society

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In European before the Black Death both the economy and society were stable in their ways. Everyone knew their place in society and knew what they contributed to the economy. There were clergy, nobility, and laborers. The laborers worked for the nobility often for rent or a small amount of money. The Black Death changed this stable social and economic landscape because of the death and fear and confusion created by death. The people of Europe experienced a large change in their everyday lives affected of course by death, but also affected by the unstable society and economy. How the people reacted also contributed to making the society and economy even more unstable. The small population, caused by the Black Death, drastically changed the once strong and stable economy of Europe. The Black Death effected the laborers greatly, and because there were less laborers, nobles had to pay the laborers more. In turn this meant that the nobles had less wealth. For example, in 1347 at Cuxham manor in England a labored received two shillings a week, but by 1350 a laborer was paid nearly 11 shillings. Since the nobles had less wealth they were unable to afford the live and luxuries they were accustomed to. Unable to lead the same lives their high social status was affected. Soon everyone in Europe had a lower standard of living. As a result of the nobles being unable to afford much of what they used to buy the economy for these …show more content…

In cities, this smaller population was not only due to the death but also due to people fleeing cities to the rural areas where they may escape death. Less people and the economical problems led to tension between social classes. Many nobles believed that their high position in society was by threatened by the ways the economy was changing and the lower standard of living it created. The tension between classes created many problems and angered many