How Did The Bubonic Plague Impact Society

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The Bubonic Plague was a deadly bacterium that wiped out about 25-50% of Western Europe. There are many ways that the Bubonic Plague has impacted society; some of these impacts are the way the Bubonic Plague is and was viewed, religious interpretation, and slavery. The Bubonic Plague has a few different names: The Bubonic Plague, The Black Plague, The Black Death, and the Plague. The Bubonic Plague killed 25-50% of the people living in Western Europe during 1348-1349 and has left a mark on society because it did what most other diseases at the time did not do. “What made the plague of 1348-1349 The Plague was the fact that it spread all over Europe and that it killed and sickened more people than any pestilence that had come before, or has

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