How Did The Cuban Revolution Affect Mongola

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In addition, another country, specifically Angola, was affected by the Cuban Revolution in the sense that Cuba’s new beginnings brought about aid to initiate trading and international relations. Cuba became involved in helping independence movements in third world countries and also sent military aid. According to The Black Scholar, since 1965, Cuba had relations with Angola against the oppressions of South Africa. In the Civil War, Cuba supported the People’s Movement for the Liberation of Angola (MPLA). Starting from October of 1975, Cuba began to send military equipment and trainers. As time went on, Cuba sent more aid and as a result, about sixty thousand soldiers were sent to help in the fight for freedom against South African invasions. …show more content…

Castro begins the speech by saying, “Today it hurts us if a Cuban is hungry, if a Cuban child suffers, or is uneducated, or if a family has no housing. It hurts us even though it’s not our brother, our son, or our father. Why shouldn’t we feel hurt if we see an Angolan child go hungry, suffer, be killed or massacred?” (Márquez 21). By beginning his speech with this question emphasizes the notion of equality between the Cubans and Angolans that Castro wants to convey. This shows that he wants to explain that the problems of others are now problems to Cubans. Therefore, the Cuban military that is stationed in Angola must do something about the injustice occurring there and take action. Another reason Castro provides in that the Cuban military should help the Angolans lies in the social factor. African countries do not have universities or doctors to educate or to heal. This shows the comparison between Cuba and Angola as Cuba thrives in the social aspect and though Cuba is a small country, the power it has to help Angola is quite