How Did The Economic Things That Influence Colonial America

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When the colonists arrived here in America, they set up their own colonies and developed their own identities. Many fled from the mother country (England) to escape religious persecution. Here in America, the colonists were free to practice or not practice their own religion. The mother country tried to control the colonists every way possible. They tried to regulate trade and forced the colonists to use supplies sent from the mother country (180,181). Also the idea of the mercantile system which economic activities were controlled by the government, this system discouraged manufacturing in the colonies, because all economic activities benefited England (159,161). Since America had an abundant supply of resources, the colonists longer depended …show more content…

They boycotted the purchase of English goods, and started manufacturing their own goods and buying locally to avoid taxes that were imposed under the different laws that England passed. Such laws included the Stamp and Sugar Acts (181,182). One example of how much hatred the colonists showed against England, before the Stamp Act went into effect, the homes of their government official were sacked by mobs. The famous slogan “no taxation with representation”, was used by many critics of the Stamp Act and was printed on many sources of communication such speeches and pamphlets. (183) The colonists felt that England had no right to tax them. Other ways that colonists fought back against the British, was the formation of the Continental Congress. Government officials from all thirteen colonies, came together. A committee of a group of men, which included people such as Thomas Jefferson, Ben Franklin and John Adams, which helped write a document that discussed that the colonists were entitled to be free from English control, and it included a statement about John Locke’s theory of the role of