How Did The European Exploration Affect Society

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People have always presumed that the European exploration had a negative impact on society. However, this is not the fact of the matter. The European exploration’s benefits greatly outweigh its consequences. The truth, based on historical reference, is that if the European exploration did not occur the world would not be the way it is today. For example, if the European exploration did not exist then the widespread of religion we take for granted wouldn't exist, we wouldn’t have most of the crops we have today, and the economical state of the nation would not be as stable as it is due to the resources that were discovered during that time period. First of all, the European exploration was originally initiated for the purpose of increasing the population and spreading religion. The European population significantly expanded as the exploration developed. Additionally, the spread of Christianity increased as the Europeans traveled the world to spread the message. They planned to spread Catholicism all over the face of the earth. Currently, Christianity is the most prominent religion in the world with over 2 billion followers. However, religion and population growth were not the only benefits of the exploration. …show more content…

One of the main resources that they sought out to develop was food. The Europeans were able to develop the agriculture of potatoes, corn, beans, and squash. These were the main edible crops that were consumed during their time period. Many people in our modern world enjoy these foods thanks to the settlers that came before us. We can all agree that these are some of the tastiest foods out there. Although the expansion of this resource was an important one, it is not the only resource that was significantly impacted by the European

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