Early in the history of the Roman Empire, Christianity had been labeled as blasphemy and was rejected by the leaders in the Empire. Anyone who taught about Christianity could be killed, thrown in jail, or both. Christianity was not able to spread largely until the empire declined. The empire’s decline was caused by invasions, debt, and various other political issues. Barbarians had started to invade Rome and defeated its military on several occasions. Due to all of the battles that Rome had going on at one time, the military started overspending sending the country into debt. This, however, was not the only factor which caused great economic hardship in Rome. Inside the country, taxation and inflation had risen. This caused the division …show more content…
Another disrupt in the economy came from the Vandals who had taken over North Africa. They had begun acting as pirates in the Mediterranean Sea and disrupted trading. Along with its economic issues, Rome suffered from many political issues as well. One of these issues was its government. Due to the size of the empire, governmental control had been difficult. Along with the struggle to govern the empire came ineffective and inconsistent leadership which further crippled the government overall. The role of emperor became so dangerous that it basically became a death sentence. A civil war broke out and more than twenty men took the throne in a matter of seventy-five years. Usually the throne was only turned over to another man after the murder of the predecessor. With all of these issues plaguing the Roman Empire, the people started to fear for their lives. Their religion for most of history had been one of polytheism. They had become accustomed to worshipping different gods in the temples they had built. They started to turn from this religion though when nothing was