How Did The Founding Brothers Impact The Direction Of The United States?

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The founding brothers risked everything to create the great nation known as the United States. They impacted the direction of the United States in cultural, political and economic ways. They scrapped the Articles of Confederation and met to create the United States Constitution which is currently the highest law in the nation. The United States of America is known as the “land of the free”, this ideal was first brought to life by the founding brothers which includes, George Washington, Alexander Hamilton, John Adams, James Madison, Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Jefferson. When they sat down during their meeting in Philadelphia, they came up with the Bill of Rights. These amendments protected all the citizens rights, such as, freedom of …show more content…

Their main focus was to create a large and successful nation. They were so competitive with politics that Aaron Burr and Alexander Hamilton dueled because they were opposed in their political standpoints and they didn’t like the reputation they gave each other. This duel, sadly resulted in Alexander Hamilton’s death. “...Burr had finally trapped Hamilton in his diabolical web, and now he was moving in for the kill.” (Ellis 21). The brothers were very politically competitive just like how the nation is today. Democrats and Republicans are enemies. This past election has showed that. It was a very competitive and tight race for president. The votes were close and the Democrats were infuriated that a Republican won. Now, back to the founding brothers, John Adams and Thomas Jefferson created a great friendship together during the American Revolution. However once George Washington was retired from office they quickly became competitors and enemies. They both put up a fight for who would be the elected president. This shows how strongly they believed in politics and how a strong friendship could be broken because of …show more content…

An example of this is when Thomas Jefferson, Alexander Hamilton, and James Madison had a dinner. “...the main players could meet alone to see if the political obstacles might melt away…” (Ellis 49). This shows how even though they were so political, they could still push those disagreements away and talk about the economy. The reasoning for the dinner to have taken place is to discuss and compromise on a plan to pay of the nation’s debt and to relocate the nation’s capital in the South. While at the dinner, the three brothers decided to put their political opinions on the side and to focus about the economic part of the dinner. Thomas Jefferson said, “‘I thought the first step towards some conciliation of views would be to bring Mr. Madison and Colo. Hamilton to a friendly discussion of the subject.”’ (Ellis 49). The debt of the United States. This shows that when they come together they don’t argue about politics, they push that aside and focus on what is important at the moment, which was the economy of the United States. This has been shown in modern days too. For example, when Donald Trump was running for president one of his major arguments was that he was a businessman who could help to pay off some of the nation’s debt. He put his political position aside and focused on the economy of