How Did The Great Depression Affect Society

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Society during the Great Depression The great depression had a huge impact on the shaping on our country and the society we live in. People living during the Great Depression persevered through hardship and had to sacrifice more than most people can even imagine. Though many of us do not understand the hardships people endured during that time because we can not fathom the degree of how bad things actually were for people at this time. Society went through some of the most dramatic changes The Great Depression started on the brink of economic success at the rise of the stock market. People at this time had too much faith in the stock market and thought that is was easy money, and it was until it wasn't. All at once the market crashed and the economy along with it. People life's changed in what seemed like an instant. Millions of Americans had to adapt and adjust to a new life and many couldn't handle the change or were already had a hard break before the depression and things just got worse. The First World War was a time of great prosperity just before the depression and …show more content…

In the depression professional baseball players made an average of one hundred dollars per game and the average industrial worker would make an average of seventeen dollars a week. That added up to approximately 1,500 - 2,000 dollars a year to support a family (Sports). That would be hard to support a single person much less a family of four or more. Back during the Great Depression women were not seen as fit to work and many were not able to get jobs, and the very few who could would do very little. They would not get paid much and wouldn't contribute to the household. Though they were held from working woman did help out more than most thought. They would run the house with little to nothing and would help children get through the toughest childhood anyone could ever imagine for a child