How Did The Great Depression Impacted The Economy In The 1930's

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Throughout the many years of the United States’ existence, there has been many tragedies due to economic issues. Some of the major issues with the economy occurred throughout the late 19th and early 20th century. Within these years, many labor laws and movements were put into action which changed the economy tremendously. From 1890 to the mid 1940s, our country suffered with a few depressions in which impacted the entire nation’s economy which include the Child Labor Law of 1916, the Great Depression of 1929, the New Deal and the Wagner Act of 1935. The Keating-Owen Child Labor Law of 1916 was a very significant turning point throughout this period because it not only impacted labor matters but also the economy and children throughout the …show more content…

By this year, Franklin Delano Roosevelt (FDR) was elected and had one purpose of pulling the country out of collapse. The three main goals to accomplish was to be receive relief, gain recovery, and reform the country’s economy. Most of the nation was in desperate need of relief because many were negatively impacted by the Great Depression. What our country needed was to recover economically by ending the depression. Remaking America was an example of how our country needed to be reformed. The first hundred days had initiatives which included Aid to Banks, Aid to Unemployed, Aid to Farmers, and Aid to Workers. The Aid to Banks allowed a bank holiday in a sign of relief and signed the Emergency Banking Act, Economy Act, and the Second Glass-Steagall Act as am attempt to reform. In result these acts, protected the people’s interests with commercial and investment banking. The Aid to Unemployed were different programs that put people to work to reform many unemployed citizens. Some programs included the Civilian Conservation Core (CCC), The National Youth Administration (NYA), Public Works Administration (PWA), and the Civil Works Administration (CWA). The Aid to Farmers included relief, recovery, and reform in with the Agricultural Adjustment Act (AAA). Lastly, Aid to Workers gave the right to everyone being able to join a union and included the National Industrial Recovery Act (NIRA) and the National Recovery Administration (NRA). Although, Hoover was not trusted by the nation, Roosevelt was greatly trusted with majority of Americans and changed the view on the American government by the