How Did The Holocaust Affect Australia After Ww2

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Australia was involved in Both World War I and World War II, which occurred from 1939-1945 including the Holocaust. The Holocaust was caused by the Nazis which included the deaths of 6 Million Jews, The Holocaust was led by a man Named Adolf Hitler, Leader of the Third Reich (Nazi Germany). Hitler Youth is a corporation led by Hitler and its main purpose is to implant all the bad things about the Jewish. Not Only was the Holocaust a big fiasco that happened in World War II, but there was also the atomic bomb that was launched on Hiroshima, Nagasaki.

The Holocaust also known as Shoah, is a historical event that was one of the most tragic events of mankind. The Holocaust was a genocidal act done by Adolf Hitler and Nazi Germany. This horrible act lasted for 12 years, and included the death of 6,000,000 – 11,000,000. Nazi Germany had the power to designate whose life was unimportant or those who should be killed outright, “Lebensunwertes Leben” meaning “Life unworthy of life” this was put towards European Jews. Adolf Hitler was the current leader of the Third …show more content…

The biggest problem after the Holocaust ended was what was going to happen between the Jews and the Germans. After what was called “Liberation” (known as the end of the Holocaust) the Jewish feared going back home due to the fact that the whole of Europe knew the Jews as Antisemitism. Nowadays the few survivors of the Holocaust go on historical talk shows, as well as what its like to live in the same country with the families of the Germans that led the concentration camps. In today’s modern life most people don’t talk about the Holocaust or bring it up (other than when you’re learning about), but the Jewish Europeans and Germans live together in a harmonic community in