How Did The Holocaust Use Gas Chambers Essay

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Gas Chambers
Gas chambers was a horrible place to be during World War II. Inside the gas chambers was horrible and filthy. The gas chambers were never cleaned. Also the gas chambers walls were black because of all of the gasses used to kill people. The gas chambers were used to kill men, women, and children. The Holocaust was a horrible event in history that defined gas chambers, told the types of gasses used, and the effect of the gas chamber. A gas chamber is an airtight room that can be filled with gas as a means of execution. The gas chambers are a type of place that the Nazi’s used to kill people in. Inside the gas chambers they used all different kinds of gasses to kill the Jews. The gas chambers killed over one-million Jews …show more content…

Zyklon B was originally used for exterminating rats and insects. But during World War II it was used for exterminating the jews so that there was no evidence that the Nazi’s killed the Jews. In some killing centers they would throw Zyklon B pellets into the gas chamber. But the Zyklon B was not the only gassed that they used. Zyklon B was very poisonous. It was also used for killing rats and insects. Zyklon B was used to kill the week that was no use to the Nazi’s so they would put them in gas chambers and would used Zyklon B to kill them. It also killed over six-million Jews during the holocaust.Also Zyklon B was used to kill not just men but women and children to. Zyklon B was used to kill over four in a half-million jews during the holocaust. Also it was very toxic which made the jews die. Also Zyklon B was used to decay the bodies when they could not burned them because the thing’s they used to burned them in were full of people. Also the people that were used as slaves usually died within days because of diseases and lice that they had in the concentration camps and also when the Germans were losing the war they gave most of the people that they had as slaves a needle that would put them to sleep for good which means they killed them because the rest of the survivors were locked on there sail rooms while all of the Nazi’s ran away so that they would not get caught for the horrible thing that they

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