How Did The Ninety-Five Theses Affect Society

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In October of 1517 the Ninety-Five theses were created by a man named Martin Luther. The Ninety-Five theses that Martin Luther wrote were to express his growing concern and corruption. Luther sold indulgences which is also part of the Ninety-Five theses . The Ninety-Five theses is a list of propositions and questions for debate. The Ninety-Five theses became the base of the protestant reformation. The The first and second Theses contained Luther's Central idea, which was God intended for people to seek faith alone. The other Theses criticized the practice of indulgences. The Ninety-Five theses were quickly passed around Germany and finally made it to Rome. The Ninety-Five theses affected the churches in many ways. They were even …show more content…

The Ninety-Five Theses were important because they were made the foundation of the protestant reformation plus the Ninety-Five Theses were written in latin. Martin Didn't attack the ideas of indulgences. In Theses number Seventy- Three wrote”Pope thunders against those by any means , who cause harm. The Ninety-Five theses have made some churches the way they are now, the Ninety-Five Theses helped make many more churches back then. Ninety-Five Theses were a big effect in society because each and every little or big these meant something or went to something different in Martins point he was trying to get across. The theses divided the catholics and people up and let them go their separate ways in life , today we still have different catholic and other types of churches. Martins Ninety-Five Theses and selling of indulgences were helpful in many ways which made them important and now that he spread them across churches and nailed them to doors, his Theses got spread into Rome and may other countries, plus they were translated into different languages. When people in other churches started translating it, it began to spread even more and some may have been changed in churches. His theses changed many counties and churches in society back