How Did The Revision Process Help You Employ The Third-Person Point Of View

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How did the revision process help you employ the third-person point of view? The revision process helped me employ the third-person point of view by allowing me time to reread my story in order to check for holes in point of view and whether or not certain things are italicized in order to symbolize a thought. When I finish a revision I would send my piece through two different grammar checkers and sometimes when I copy and paste them the italics and other font styles change and I tend to overlook them when I do my final read-over so it is nice to have time for critiques and revisions even if it is in an eight-week course. I feel that by putting a story through this process this quickly it gives a writer a chance to get a feel for how to write …show more content…

So, when I got feedback it was mostly about the second part of the story which wasn’t finished at all and even ended abruptly. I emailed the professor and asked if I could submit just the first chapter for the second revision or even work on the second chapter as my revision and she suggested doing the second chapter. I sat down to begin it with what I already had and didn’t really like where it was going and found it very flat so for the sake of it being a short story I decided to scrap it and create a different angle to the story. When I got feedback the readers really like the place I took the story and the characters I introduced, but still found it kind of flat in the middle. Unfortunately, it was 16 pages because I forgot to double space it, so I had to trim it quite a bit and decided to hack out the middle part and use its bits in a later part of the story to shorten it by two whole pages. I really wanted to get it down to more, but I sometimes fall in love with my words and have trouble finding the bits that can be taken out. With time and some work, I am sure this piece will be worthy of publishing, at least for a first

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