How Did The Second Vatican Council Contribute To The Development Of Papacy

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The contributions of Saint John XXIII to not only Christianity, but also the world, in general, is indescribable. His recognition of the need for change is one of the most significant events of his papacy, and his response of calling the Second Vatican Council revolutionised not only Catholocism, but Christianity as a whole. His new and refreshing attitude to the papacy was another huge contributing factor to the development of Christianity as a dynamic, living religion.
The Second Vatican Council was convened by Saint John XXIII and lasted for four sessions from 1962 until its final session, in 1965. It worked to produce a series of documents to direct the life of the Church in the twentieth century and beyond, further modernising the religion, and translating the morals and values into the new millennium. According to Britannica, the Second Vatican Council worked to write “declarations … on religious freedom, the church’s attitude toward non-Christian religions, and on …show more content…

Arguably, the most important encyclical written throughout his papacy was Pacem in Terris, which directly translates to Peace on Earth, which perfectly described the calling we are given throughout the encyclical. He addressed the need for peace and justice in the world, highlighting the importance of human rights, equality, and freedom. This encyclical had a significant impact on the development and expression of Christianity, forever changing the lives of all Christians, as this encyclical continues to influence Christian social teaching on issues of peace and justice. The main teachings contained within the lines of the encyclical encourage unity within not only Christianity but also within and throughout all other religious traditions, as interfaith dialogue and ecumenism are heavily

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