How Did The Treaty Of New France Change The Land Of Canada

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Many years ago, French and British explorers found land that they claimed and fought for, through time they turned this land into Canada.This country began named New France, ruled by the French people, then as British North America, ruled by the British people. The French and the British had frequently fought over power, but this is what ended up shaping the provinces and territories in Canada. Events that impacted Canada were the Treaty of Utrecht in 1713 , then the Treaty of Paris in 1763, the Forming of Upper Canada in 1791, and the Act of the Union in 1849, when a responsible government was formed and Canada became one. The land of Canada began with an unsteady system, and ended with responsible government, having a democracy and giving …show more content…

After the discovery of New France the French and British began the War of the Spanish Succesion. During the war, the British brought back Acadia, as well as some smaller islands, like Guadeloupe and Martinique. In 1713, France and Britain signed a peace treaty in which both sides had agreed to give up some of the land they had caught during the war. The British decided to offer France either Acadia, or Guadeloupe and Martinique. The French chose to take Guadeloupe and Martinique, seeing that they had a large sugar supply which was useful because of Europe's high demand on sugar. When the French did not choose to take back Acadia this meant that Acadia would officially become a British colony. To conclude, the Treaty of Utrecht made sure that the British would give the French back some of the land it gained in the war which led to Acadia becoming ruled by the …show more content…

After the American Revolution, a group of loyalists came to Quebec, in hopes that they would continue the British culture there. When the loyalists arrived in quebec, they were unsatisfied with the way they were living in Quebec, with no voting rights, and different traditions. The Loyalists were unhappy, but did not want to go to war, because it was too costly. They decided they were going to create Upper Canada. The Loyalists formed Upper Canada because they wanted to have one major colony where they could continue their British tradition, and one where the French could do the same. To conclude, the Loyalists came to quebec unhappy with their circumstance at first in Quebec and in turn created a colony where they could make their own

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