How Did The United States Grow In National Unity Between 1800 And 1850

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Between 1800 and 1850 there was a dramatic increase in population and territory growth, an ideological change within the national focus, and a fracturing in political unity. The Louisiana Purchase and the Mexican American War creates the coast to coast nation, that correlates with the population and migration increase. This westward nation complements the new national focus of westward expansion and industrialization. However, fracturing in the political landscape forms a non-unified government resulting in partisan politics and little legislation. The United States had an unprecedented growth in population and territory through 1800 and 1850. During the early 1800s the United States of America was a small country of approximately 5 million …show more content…

The ideas of the revolution (1800) were to protect and preserve the republic. Over time, with the becoming of a new generation, expansion to the west became the new national focus. This was encouraged by manifest destiny, or the belief that God had ordained the United States to expand westward. Manifest destiny as well as American exceptionalism pushed people westward until an east to west coast nation existed. This eventually developed in an industrialized nation resulting in manufacturing, transporting, and a communicating nation; that was encouraged by the industrial revolution that gave a significant change in the means of production of products, creating an entirely different national persona. This national focus was completely different than the revolutionary generations’ national focus instead focusing on westward expansion and industrialization for the entire nation, this is successful for the nation resulting in a coast to coast nation and a modernized nation. Political unity changed from a united government to a fractured political landscape. Before 1824, the political landscape was united and legislatively effective; this period was called the Era of Good Feelings (1812 – 1824). Throughout the Era of Good Feelings effective government dominated, which led to progress in developing and strengthening the nation. This period of effective government was established after the War of 1812 (1812 – 1815), creating unity amongst Americans. However, this period ended in the election of 1824, changing to political