The Vietnam War changed the way Americans faced there every day lives. The United States had to weather a variety of different circumstance the country has yet to face. Including, the decision to end the draft, change the voting age, passing the War Powers act, economic spending decreasing, and mistrust in the government.
The United States had to create and enforce a couple new political policies. The War Powers Act was created to limit presidential power to prevent the President sending troops for more than 90 days without congress consent.( affect). It was created and put into action after President Nixon sent U.S troops ignoring Congress authority. The War Powers Act or otherwise know as War Powers Resolution. “The War Powers Resolution
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Pre-Vietnam War the economy was going threw a economly stable time with low inflation, almost full employment, and promising trade balance. (affacet). However, once Johnson became president he created different programs to help the poverty-stricken areas by providing low-income housing. Along with other refroms including, Medicare for the elderly, wilderness protection to save forestland, and funding for American schools.(us history) All of these reforms cost a lot of money while funding a 168 Billion dollar war. In 1969 President Johnson finally realized the financial deficit he put America into. Realizing the need for money he raised the income tax by 10%. However, Congress realizing the issue called for Johnson to cut six billion from his spending on the Great Society programs. Between the combined spending on the war and the programs lead to discouraging trade which caused the international monetary crisis.(affect). “The threat was seen as convincing evidence that the U.S could no longer afford the war.”( …show more content…
First time in America were people experiencing anti-war movements. “The draft lottery in 1969, which failed to address the unfair discrimination against the low-educated and low-income class, only encouraged stronger resistance to the Vietnam war and draft itself.”(affect). In 1968 President Nixon believed the anti- Vietnam war movement was a result of the draft. He called an end of the draft with hope that people would stop protesting the war. Therefore, on January 27, 1973 the U.S shifted to an all-volunteer force resulting in an end to the draft. (affect). One of the major changes saw in civilians during the anti-Vietnam war was a mistrust in government. During the 1960s a series of events started changing the way citizens saw the government. The citizens came to know of secret bombings of Cambodia and My Lai massacre along with cover ups including the Watergate scandal. (affect). The issues with the bombing of Cambodia started with the fact that Priesdent Nixon approved of the bombing without U.S. Congress knowledge or approval( The United States dropped more than 2.7 million tons of bombs causing the population of Cambodia to displace by 30 per cent (rabble.) The My Lai massacre sparked out raged amongst citizens. The massacre consisted the mass murder of women, children, infants, and elderly people. The 11th Brigade Charlie Company murdred as many as 500 unarmed civilians. (My