How Did Theodore Roosevelt Build The Panama Canal

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Known as one of the greatest engineering achievements in all of history, the Panama Canal is an essential benefit for international trade and travel today, bonding the Atlantic and Pacific oceans across the Central American Isthmus in Panama, Colombia. Its construction required a lot of time, money and persons of at first, France then, America. Construction began with Frenchman; Ferdinand de Lesseps at the wheel of the project in the early 1880’s.His plan was to dig a sea level canal, similar to a successful one he had made previously in Egypt, better known as the Suez Canal. However, after nearly 8 years of unsuccessful labor, and absence of progress, Lesseps gave up the project, leaving the canal unfinished. With Lesseps’ company bankrupt, …show more content…

Theodore Roosevelt had a dream of a dominant America in both major oceans, connected by an American canal in Panama. President Roosevelt was determined to build this canal and kept pushing for it until he ultimately received what he wanted. He faced many obstacles along the way, but his determination and dedication enabled him to overcome them and ultimately become successful. With much help along the way, President Roosevelt built one of the most important canals in the western hemisphere. The Panama Canal was worth the lives of many because one it helped link and connect many countries together, helped create many jobs building it and still to this day to maintain and run it and three it helped establish America as a world …show more content…

The US for the first time in its history was able to gain control of both oceans. This was critical in times of war. Most importantly though this was important at this time to help establish America as a super power. With the canal being constructed America was able to pass ships through extremely quickly and control the two largest oceans in the world. Another reason why the Panama Canal was important and worth being built, is that its construction proved that The United States could overcome any obstacles in trying to improve the world. Several attempts were made to try to build the canal. They all were unsuccessful. The United States overcame obstacles such as disease and difficult geographic features to build the Panama Canal. It was proof to many Americans that America could do just about anything anywhere in the

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