How Did Thomas Jefferson Impact Society

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“Lawrence Smithline, a professional cryptographer from Princeton New Jersey, recently cracked the code [Jefferson’s code] with the aid of nearly 100,000 calculations carried out by a computer.”(Klinkenborg) This quote perfectly describes Thomas Jefferson’s intellect and ingenuity well. He made this spy code used to send secret messages 200 years ago and it only now was solved. Thomas Jefferson was an American politician and inventor 200 years ago, but we still revere him today. Why? Because he was a great man who changed the world and the USA for the better. Jefferson also made the USA as a whole stronger. He wrote the Declaration of Independence (New World Encyclopedia), kickstarted the Library of Congress by donating his own library of 2,000 books, and founded the University of Virginia. I believe Jefferson shows intellect and leadership well in his extraordinary life. Over Jefferson’s amazing life he did many things and most of those actions exemplified his ingenuity and intellect well. He did many things that benefited the nation and its standings with world around it. He made our country the way it is by using his ingenuity for the better. Arguably he created one of his best documents while the country was at war: The Declaration of Independence. This document set the building blocks for our nation …show more content…

Even before the American Revolution ended, Jefferson was already looking for ways to improve the country. In 1779, Jefferson presented Congress with “A Bill for the More General Diffusion of Knowledge.” Jefferson recognized the need for everyone to be smart, not just rich aristocrats. According to Jefferson, “all the free children, male and female, were to be given 3 years of instruction.”Although the bill was shot down in Congress, it set the groundworks for a public education for all Americans.(Probst) This definitely shows how Jefferson was a