How Did Thomas Jefferson Respond To The Declaration Of Independence

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Thomas Jefferson, the great president and the writer of the Declaration of Independence. Jefferson did not expect the Declaration of Independence to end slavery, his slavery clause indicates his distaste for the growth of the institution of slavery and yet his actions are inconsistent related to slavery. He tried to get the slave trade abolished, yet he owned slaves, it has been said he had a sexual relationship with one of his slaves, and he used them for his plantations. Why did he go through the trouble to even stop slaves when he owned so many?
The committee writing the Declaration of Independence was John Adams, Ben Franklin, Roger Sherman, Robert R. Livingston, and Thomas Jefferson. According to Russell Shorto, in Thomas Jefferson and …show more content…

Randall states “He believed that all men and women had been created equal and he considered blacks as MEN--he had capitalized the word in the clause in the Declaration of Independence that had been stricken by the Second Continental Congress” (592). Jefferson’s slave clause was only defeated by one vote, and according to Allison he wanted slaves gone by 1800 (114). Aaron Schwabach who wrote “Thomas Jefferson, Slavery, Slaves.” said that by January 1, 1808 all states with except for South Carolina, slaves became illegal. Jefferson did not take the changes well, he became disappointed by the slavery part getting turned down (277). Jefferson also states that it is the King’s fault for the slave trade going on for seven years, he is the one who started it, he blames him (Randall 212). Short further explains that the British are bringing slaves to America without our consent (88). Furthermore Randall explains that Jefferson was trying to free all slaves by the time they reached their adulthood (302). The first time Jefferson spoke during the meeting he said “all men are created free” (147). These findings challenge Jefferson’s actions considering he owned