How Did Tutus Become Seleucid?

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After Alexander the Great had passed away his empire ended up being split between four of the generals that had served under him (Tullock & McEntire, 2012). Ptolemy had obtained Palestine while Syria had been given to Seleucid. The Ptolemies overpowered the Palestinians, and the Jewish population seemed to grow. However, when Antiochus the Great took over the throne of Seleucids around 223-187 B.C.E most of the people welcomed him, and the relationship between the Jews and Seleucids seemed to be growing. Also, it was determined that Antiochus was a supporter of the high priest and official leaders. The leadership of Antiochus was working out really well until Antiochus Epiphanes came to the throne in 175 B.C.E. The new ruler was determined