How Did William Appes Write A Son Of The Forest

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William Appes was a wonderful writer and influencer. He wrote a book called “A Son of the Forest" to share his own experiences and opinions about racism. He believed that racism was unethical and that everyone was created equally in the eyes of God. He emphasized that the color of someones skin should not matter and God loves everyone. William tried his best to use scriptures from the Bible to show the whites that how they were treating the Indians was not something a Christian should do. Appes was born into poverty and was considered “colored” from having a mixed race. His parents left William with his grandmother who abused him and ended up living with many white families before he started to be a servant. Later in his life he turned …show more content…

He converted to Methodism after being a soldier in the War of 1812 and protested the rights of Native Americans. In 1825 Apess was signed to a Methodist leadership where he traveled to many places to minister to Native Americans and mixed races. Four years later his autobiography was published that was related to his life. He wrote many other books that related to prejudice people against the Native Americans. Apess new that Christ died for everyone no matter the skin color or the age of someone. He used the Bible to express that there was only one race and that was the human race. William Appes believed that white Christians were constantly unfaithful to the Native Americans. He tried to get the whites to believe that the Indians wants were the same as theirs. Apes used the Old Testament prophets to urge whites to remember their positions of being “chosen” and their commitment to God. Apess would wonder why the whites did not follow the words of the Bible and why they judged the Indians by their skin …show more content…

The Bible even states that all men are created equally and William Apess tried his best to express that towards the whites that were racist because of other peoples skin color. Apess preached that God did not judge people based on how they looked or where they came from, but on how they treated others and being faithful to God’s word. He thought that the ones judging the Native Americans should take a step back and think if it was moral and Christian like to judge someone for something they cannot change. William used the Bible and preached as much as he could to show that Native Americans should have rights just as the whites had. Although, William Apess was considered an Euro-American he was colored, but did not get the treatment that the Natives did and even stated "And although I can say that I have some dear, good friends among white people," states Apess, "Yet I eye them with a jealous eye, for fear they will betray me.” He suggested that the white Christians turned their backs on the Natives and thought that they were objects rather than